The Speeding Ticket Escape Strategy

An elderly married couple were driving down the highway when they were pulled over by a police officer. The officer approached the driver's side window and asked the man, "Sir, do you know why I pulled you over?"

The man replied, "No, officer, I have no idea."

The officer then pointed to the woman sitting in the passenger seat and said, "Well, I clocked you going 20 miles over the speed limit, but what really caught my attention was that your wife's face was pressed up against the window like she was being kidnapped!"

The man chuckled and replied, "Oh, that’s just her way of getting some fresh air. She gets car sick if she doesn't have some cool air on her face."

The officer seemed skeptical but let them go with a warning. As they drove off, the man turned to his wife and said, "See, honey, it’s a good thing you had the window down, otherwise we might have gotten a speeding ticket!"

The wife replied, "Well, maybe next time I should stick my head out the window and bark like a dog, so they’ll think you’re taking me for a walk!"