The Animal Comedy Challenge

A man walks into a bar and sees a sign that reads, "Free drinks for anyone who can make the horse laugh." The man thinks this is a strange challenge but decides to give it a go.

He walks up to the horse and whispers something in its ear. The horse immediately bursts out laughing, tears streaming down its face. The bartender is amazed and offers the man a free drink.

The man returns to the bar and sees another sign that reads, "Free drinks for anyone who can make the duck laugh." Intrigued, the man decides to try his luck again.

He goes over to the duck and whispers something in its ear. The duck starts laughing hysterically, flapping its wings and quacking with delight. The bartender is stunned and gives the man another free drink.

Feeling emboldened, the man sees a third sign that reads, "Free drinks for anyone who can make the bear laugh." Without hesitation, he walks over to the bear and whispers something in its ear.

Suddenly, the bear jumps up and mauls the man to death. The bartender rushes over, horrified, and asks the bear, "What did he say to you? Why did you attack him?"

The bear replies, "I don't know, but that joke was unbearable!"