The Honest (and Hilarious) Parrot

A man walks into a bar with a parrot on his shoulder. The bartender says, "Wow, that's pretty cool! Where did you get him?"

The parrot replies, "I got him at the swap meet. He's a great parrot, always making me laugh and keeping me company."

The bartender nods and says, "That's awesome! What's he good at?"

The man says, "Oh, he's great at telling jokes! Want to hear one?"

Excited, the bartender nods and the man turns to the parrot, "Alright, tell the bartender a joke."

The parrot clears his throat and says, "Why did the tomato turn red?"

The bartender shrugs, "I don't know, why?"

The parrot responds, "Because he saw the salad dressing!"

The bartender laughs and claps, "That's hilarious! Your parrot is really clever."

The man smiles and says, "Yeah, he's a real comedian. But sometimes he can be a little too honest."

Confused, the bartender asks, "What do you mean?"

The man sighs and looks at the parrot, "Well, one time he was telling jokes to my boss and he accidentally let it slip that I call in sick to work just to play video games all day."

The parrot squawks, "Whoops! Sorry, not sorry!"