The Mischievous Parrot: A Freezer Lesson

One day, a man went to a funeral and found himself standing next to a talking parrot. The parrot seemed to be incredibly observant and kept making witty remarks about the deceased's life. The man was so fascinated by the parrot's humor that he decided to buy it from the owner after the funeral.

As he brought the parrot home, he quickly realized that the parrot was not only talkative but also quite mischievous. It would constantly make sarcastic comments about everything and everyone it encountered. The man tried to train the parrot to be more polite, but to no avail.

One day, the man had a date over for dinner and the parrot couldn't resist poking fun at her. The parrot kept making jokes about her cooking and her outfit, much to the man's embarrassment. Finally, the man had enough and decided to put the parrot in the freezer for a few minutes to teach it a lesson.

After a few minutes, the man opened the freezer and the parrot sheepishly apologized for its behavior. The man was taken aback and asked the parrot why it was suddenly behaving so nicely. The parrot replied, "I'm sorry for my behavior earlier. I've learned my lesson. But I have one question – what did the chicken do to end up in the freezer?"