Be Careful What You Wish For

Three men were stranded on a deserted island when they stumbled upon a magic lamp. Excitedly, they rubbed the lamp and out came a genie who granted each of them one wish.

The first man said, "I wish to be off this island and back home with my family." In a puff of smoke, he disappeared.

The second man said, "I wish to be living in a luxury mansion with a bank account that never runs out of money." And just like that, he too vanished.

The third man, feeling lonely and bored without his friends, said to the genie, "I wish my friends were back here with me."

And just like that, the other two men reappeared on the island, scratching their heads in confusion. The third man stared at them and said, "Well, this is awkward. I guess I should have been more specific with my wish!"