The Therapist Horse at the Bar

A man walks into a bar and sits down next to a horse. The bartender looks at the man and says, "What can I get for you?"

The man looks at the horse and says, "I'll have a beer and get my friend here a whiskey."

The bartender serves them their drinks and the man starts chatting with the horse. "You know," says the man, "I've been having a rough time lately. My wife left me, I lost my job, and my house burned down. But you know what? Every time I come in here and talk to you, I feel a little better."

The horse looks at him and says, "Well, that's great to hear, but you do realize I can't talk, right?"

The man laughs and says, "Oh, I know that. I just like talking to someone who listens without judging me. Plus, you're a great listener!"

The bartender overhears this conversation and is amazed. He tells his wife about it later that night, saying, "You won't believe what happened at the bar today. This guy came in and was talking to a horse like it was his therapist!"

His wife laughs and says, "Well, at least the horse didn't charge him an arm and a leg for a session!"