The Tall Order: A Giraffe Walks Into a Bar

A man walks into a bar with his pet giraffe and they both sit down at the counter. The man orders a beer for himself and a long-necked cocktail for his giraffe.

As the bartender is preparing the drinks, the giraffe passed out on the floor. The man looks down at his giraffe and says, "I think he's had one too many. He can't handle his liquor."

The bartender is shocked and asks, "Why did you bring a giraffe into my bar?"

The man replies, "I just wanted to have a few drinks with my long-necked friend here. But it looks like he can't hold his alcohol. Maybe I should have gotten him a shorter drink!"

The bartender shakes his head in disbelief as the man helps his giraffe back up onto his feet. The giraffe looks a little woozy but manages to stand up straight.

The man chuckles and says, "Well, I guess you could say this bar is a tall order for my giraffe!"

Everyone in the bar bursts out laughing at the ridiculous sight of a drunk giraffe trying to regain its balance. The man and his giraffe finish their drinks and stumble out of the bar, leaving behind a trail of laughter and confusion.

And that, my friends, is why you never bring a giraffe to a bar. It's a tall tale that will leave you in stitches every time you retell it!