The Monkey Business Poker Game

A man walks into a bar and orders a beer. As he's sipping his drink, he notices a monkey sitting at the end of the bar. The monkey is sipping a martini and smoking a cigar.

Intrigued, the man asks the bartender what's up with the monkey. The bartender explains that the monkey is actually a trained circus performer who has a great sense of humor.

The man decides to test the monkey's comedic skills and pulls out a deck of cards. He shuffles the deck and asks the monkey if he wants to play a game of poker.

The monkey nods eagerly and they start playing. Much to the man's surprise, the monkey is actually quite good at the game and as they play, the monkey is winning hand after hand.

Eventually, the man realizes he's about to lose all his money to the monkey and decides to make a bet. He tells the monkey, "If I win the next hand, you have to give me back all the money I've lost. But if you win, I'll buy you as many drinks as you want for the rest of the night."

The monkey agrees to the bet and they play the final hand. The man looks at his cards and sees he has a winning hand. But just as he's about to celebrate, the monkey starts laughing uncontrollably.

Confused, the man asks the monkey what's so funny. The monkey looks at him and says, "I can't believe you fell for it! I just made you lose all your money and now you're buying me drinks all night. I guess you could say I really am a barrel of laughs!"