The Multi-Talented Monkey at the Bar

A man walks into a bar with a monkey on his shoulder. The bartender asks, "What's with the monkey?"

The man replies, "Oh, he's my pet. I trained him to do all sorts of tricks, like play the piano and juggle."

Intrigued, the bartender asks, "Can he really play the piano?"

The man nods and sets the monkey down on the piano in the corner of the bar. The monkey starts banging away on the keys, playing a flawless rendition of Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata.

The bartender is amazed and asks, "What about juggling? Can he really juggle?"

Again, the man nods and hands the monkey a set of juggling balls. The monkey expertly tosses them in the air, catching them with ease and effortlessly juggling them in a perfect rhythm.

The bartender is astounded and asks, "Wow, what else can he do?"

The man grins and says, "Well, he can also tell jokes. Watch this." He leans in close to the monkey and whispers in his ear. The monkey then jumps up on the bar, grabs a peanut, and shoves it up his nose.

The bartender bursts out laughing and exclaims, "That's hilarious! That's not really a joke, though, is it?"

The man chuckles and replies, "No, but the punchline is nuts!"