The Horse Laugh Challenge

A man walks into a bar and sees a sign that says, "Free drinks for a year to anyone who can make our horse laugh."

The man thinks this is a strange challenge but decides to give it a try. He walks up to the horse and starts telling it the funniest jokes he knows, but the horse just stands there looking bored.

Frustrated, the man starts making funny faces, doing silly dances, and even singing a ridiculous song, but still, the horse doesn't crack a smile.

Feeling defeated, the man turns to the bartender and asks, "Has anyone ever actually won this challenge before?"

The bartender nods and says, "Yep, a few times actually. But no one has ever been able to get the horse to laugh."

The man is confused and asks, "Then how did they win free drinks for a year?"

The bartender replies, "They made the horse cry. Congratulations, you just won free drinks for a year!"