The Genie, the Hamster, and the Bartender

A man walked into a bar and saw a sign that said, "Free beer for anyone who can make our bartender laugh."

So the man walked up to the bartender and said, "I bet you $100 that I can make you laugh."

The bartender, intrigued, agreed to the bet.

The man pulled out a tiny piano and a hamster wearing a cute little hat. He placed the hamster on the piano and it began to play a beautiful melody.

The bartender couldn't hold it in and burst out laughing.

The man collected his $100 and the bartender asked, "How did you come up with that?"

The man replied, "Well, I saw a genie the other day and he granted me three wishes. My first wish was for a million dollars, my second wish was to have the ability to make anyone laugh, and my third wish was a tiny piano-playing hamster."

The bartender chuckled and said, "That's amazing! What was your third wish?"

The man pulled out a duck from his pocket and said, "This little guy."

The bartender couldn't help but laugh again as the man walked out of the bar with his winnings and his piano-playing hamster.