The Duck Wish

Three guys are stranded on a deserted island when they stumble upon a magic lamp. They rub the lamp and a genie appears, offering each of them one wish.

The first guy excitedly says, "I wish to be rescued and taken back home!"

Poof! The genie grants his wish and he disappears.

The second guy says, "I wish for a boat so I can sail back home."

Poof! The genie grants his wish and a boat appears.

The third guy, feeling adventurous, says, "I wish for a million bucks!"

Poof! Suddenly, the island is overrun with a million quacking ducks. The guy looks around in disbelief and yells at the genie, "I asked for a million bucks, not ducks!"

The genie shrugs and says, "Hey, you didn't specify what kind of bucks you wanted. You got what you asked for!"

And so, the three guys are stuck on the island with a million ducks, trying to come up with a plan to survive.