The Wishful Thinking of Three Friends

Three friends, Bob, Tom, and Larry, were out hiking in the woods when they stumbled upon a genie lamp. Excitedly, they rubbed the lamp, and out popped the genie.

"I will grant each of you one wish," the genie said.

Bob quickly exclaimed, "I want to be a millionaire!" Poof! Bob suddenly found himself drowning in piles of money.

Tom thought for a moment before saying, "I want to be irresistible to women!" Poof! Tom was suddenly surrounded by a crowd of swooning women.

Larry, feeling inspired by his friends' wishes, confidently said, "I want my left arm to rotate clockwise for all eternity!" Poof! Larry's left arm started spinning in circles, much to his confusion.

The genie then disappeared, leaving the friends to marvel at their newfound fortunes. Bob counted his money, Tom enjoyed the attention from the women, and Larry struggled to figure out how to stop his arm from spinning.

Weeks went by, and Bob's money got stolen, Tom got tired of all the attention from women, and Larry's arm continued to spin uncontrollably. The friends were lamenting their wishes and the chaos they had caused when suddenly, the genie reappeared.

"I have come to grant each of you one more wish to undo the previous ones," the genie said.

Bob quickly asked for his money back, Tom asked to go back to being an average guy, and Larry asked for his arm to stop spinning. The genie granted their wishes, and everything went back to normal.

As they headed home, Bob turned to his friends and said, "Well, that was quite an adventure. But I think we all learned a valuable lesson."

Tom nodded in agreement, "Yeah, we should be careful what we wish for."

Larry chuckled and said, "And always read the fine print on genie lamps."