The Wishful Thinker and the Genie's Quirky Sense of Humor

A man walks into a bar and orders a beer. As he's drinking, he notices a tiny man playing a miniature piano on the bar. Intrigued, he asks the bartender about the tiny man.

The bartender replies, "Oh, that's the resident genie. He grants wishes to anyone who can make him laugh."

The man thinks for a moment and then approaches the genie. "I bet I can make you laugh," he says confidently.

The genie looks skeptically at the man but nods, allowing him to try. The man starts telling the genie joke after joke, but the genie remains stoic, not even cracking a smile.

Frustrated, the man pulls out all the stops and starts making silly faces, dancing around, and even singing a ridiculous song. But still, the genie remains unamused.

Defeated, the man sighs and tells the genie, "I give up. I just can't make you laugh."

The genie grins mischievously and says, "Oh, but you did make me laugh. I was just holding it in because my laughter is my weakness. Congratulations, you have earned one wish!"

The man is overjoyed and quickly blurts out his wish, "I want a million bucks!"

And just like that, the bar is suddenly filled with a million ducks quacking and flapping their wings everywhere. The man is stunned, looking around at the chaos, and the genie chuckles, "Did you really think I would give you a million bucks? I'm a genie, not a miracle worker!"