The Wish Gone Wrong

A man walks into a bar with a tiny little man sitting on his shoulder. The bartender sees this and says, "Wow, that's incredible! Where did you get that little guy?"

The man replies, "Well, I found a magic lamp on the beach and when I rubbed it, a genie popped out and granted me one wish. So, I wished for a talking mouse."

The bartender is amazed and says, "That's incredible! Can I try it? Can I make a wish too?"

The man says, "Sure, go ahead. Just be careful what you wish for."

So, the bartender takes the lamp and gives it a rub. Suddenly, a genie appears and says, "You have one wish, what is it that you desire?"

The bartender thinks for a moment and then says, "I wish for a million bucks!"

And with a snap of the genie's fingers, the bar is suddenly filled with ducks. Ducks everywhere, quacking and flapping their wings.

The bartender looks at the man and says, "What the heck? I wished for a million bucks, not a million ducks!"

The man just laughs and says, "Yeah, and do you really think I wished for a 12-inch pianist?"