The Wise Old Horse at the Bar

A man goes to a bar and sits down next to a horse. The bartender looks surprised and says, "Hey, why the long face?"

The man looks puzzled and replies, "I don't know, I've just been feeling a bit down lately."

The bartender shrugs and goes back to tending the bar. Suddenly, the horse leans over and whispers to the man, "I think I know why you're feeling down."

The man looks shocked and asks, "You can talk?"

The horse nods and says, "Yeah, and I know the secret to happiness. You just need to take life one stride at a time, and always remember to hoof it to the beat of your own drum."

The man is amazed and asks, "Wow, how did you become so wise?"

The horse laughs and says, "Well, I used to be a racehorse, but I quit because I couldn't handle the jockeying for position."

The man chuckles at the pun and thanks the horse for the advice. As he leaves the bar feeling uplifted, he can't help but think to himself, "Wow, who knew that a talking horse could be such a stable influence in my life?"