The Veggie Pun War: A Salad of Laughter

Why did the tomato turn red?

Because it saw the salad dressing!

But then the lettuce chimed in and said, "Don't be such a jalapeño business, tomato!"

To which the tomato replied, "Oh, lettuce not start another vegetable pun war!"

Suddenly, the cucumber jumped in and said, "Guys, I'm kind of in a pickle here…can we just lettuce all romaine calm?"

And the broccoli laughed and said, "That's easy for you to say, cucumber, you're always in a pickle!"

And as they all laughed and cracked jokes, the onion started crying and said, "Guys, can we please ketchup and stop with the vegetable puns? They're making me tear up!"

And so, the vegetables all made peace and vowed to never lettuce their puns get out of hand again. And they all lived happily ever after…until the next time someone cracked a bad lettuce pun.