The Unfortunate Consequences of Seasoning: A Tale of Sneezes and Orgasms

A man goes to the doctor and says, "Doctor, I have this problem where every time I sneeze, I have an orgasm."

The doctor looks puzzled and says, "That's certainly unusual. How long has this been happening?"

The man replies, "Well, ever since I started using pepper in my meals."

The doctor thinks for a moment and then says, "I think I have a solution for you. I'll prescribe you some nasal decongestant to help control your sneezing, and I recommend that you stop using pepper in your food."

The man nods in agreement and leaves the doctor's office feeling relieved. A few weeks go by and the man returns to the doctor looking frustrated.

The doctor asks, "How have things been since we last spoke?"

The man replies, "Well, the decongestant helped with my sneezing, but now every time I fart, I sneeze!"