The Unbelievable Adventures of the Heroic Pig

A young man was driving through the countryside when he spotted an old farmer sitting on his porch with a pig sitting next to him. Intrigued, the man pulled over and walked up to the farmer.

"What's the deal with the pig?" the man asked.

The farmer chuckled and replied, "Well, that there is a special pig. See, he saved my life once. There was a fire in the barn and that pig oinked so loud it woke me up and I was able to escape just in time. He's my hero."

The man was impressed and asked, "That's amazing! But why does he have a wooden leg?"

The farmer laughed and said, "Oh, that pig is something else. Last winter, when the snow was piling up high, I got trapped in a snowdrift and couldn't move. That pig dug me out with his snout and saved me from freezing to death. But he lost his leg in the process."

The man was even more impressed and asked, "Wow, that pig sure is something special. But why does he have an eye patch?"

The farmer chuckled again and said, "Oh, that pig is truly one of a kind. Just last summer, I was out fishing in the pond when I slipped and fell in. I couldn't swim and was starting to drown when that pig jumped in and pulled me to safety. But a pesky fish bit his eye during the rescue."

The man was floored and said, "That pig is a true hero. But why do you keep him on your porch?"

The farmer smiled and replied, "Well, when you've got a pig that can do all that, you don't eat him all at once."