The Ultimate Bar Test: Whiskey, Bears, and Old Ladies

A man walks into a bar and sees a sign that says, "Free drinks for life if you can pass our test." Intrigued, he asks the bartender about the test.

The bartender explains, "You have to do three things to pass the test. First, you have to drink a shot of our strongest whiskey without flinching. Second, there's a bear in the back room with a sore tooth — you have to pull it out. And finally, there's an old lady upstairs who hasn't had a good laugh in years — you have to make her laugh."

The man thinks it over and decides to give it a shot. He takes the shot of whiskey and grimaces, but manages to hold it down. Then, he heads to the back room and there's a lot of growling and crashing sounds. Finally, he emerges, covered in scratches and says, "Alright, where's the old lady with the sore tooth?"

The bartender points him upstairs to the old lady's room. The man walks in and tells her a joke. The old lady bursts into laughter, tears streaming down her face.

Ecstatic, the man returns to the bartender and says, "I did it! I passed all three tests! Now, where's my free drinks for life?"

The bartender looks at him and says, "Well, normally we don't give out free drinks for life, but I'll make an exception for someone who can pull out a bear's sore tooth and make an old lady laugh. But I have to ask…what was that crashing and growling noise in the back room?"

The man shrugs and says, "Oh, that? The bear had a sore tooth, so I just gave him the whiskey first to numb the pain before I pulled it out!"