The Ultimate Bar Challenge: Free Drinks for Life

A man walks into a bar and sees a sign hanging above the bar that reads, "Free drinks for life! Just complete the challenge." Intrigued, the man asks the bartender what the challenge is.

The bartender explains, "Well, first you have to drink an entire keg of beer in one sitting. Then, you have to go out back and pull the sore tooth out of our pit bull. Finally, you have to go upstairs and satisfy the three old ladies who live in the apartment above the bar."

The man is shocked but determined to get free drinks for life, so he agrees to take on the challenge. He starts chugging beer from the keg and soon enough, he finishes the entire thing. The bartender points him towards the back where the pit bull is waiting. The man goes out back and all that can be heard is the sound of growling and yelping.

After a few minutes, the man stumbles back into the bar, bloodied and bruised. He looks at the bartender and says, "Okay, I drank the beer and pulled the tooth out of the pit bull. Now where are those old ladies that need a good satisfying?"

The bartender laughs and points upstairs, saying, "They're in the last room on the right. But I have to warn you, they think they're the same person."