The Ultimate Bar Challenge

A man walks into a bar and sees a sign that says, "Free drinks for a year! Just ask the bartender how."

Excited, the man walks up to the bartender and asks, "Hey, I saw the sign outside that says free drinks for a year. How can I get in on that?"

The bartender looks at him and says, "Well, it's actually really simple. All you have to do is complete three challenges."

The man eagerly agrees, ready to do whatever it takes to get free drinks for a year. The bartender then explains the first challenge: "You see that gorilla at the end of the bar? You have to go over there and pull out one of his teeth."

The man gulps nervously but decides to give it a shot. He stumbles over to the gorilla, who is sitting on a barstool sipping a beer. The man reaches into the gorilla's mouth and yanks out a tooth. The gorilla doesn't even flinch, just looks at the man and nods approvingly.

The bartender then explains the second challenge: "You see that lion in the corner? You have to go over there and pluck out one of his whiskers."

The man, feeling slightly more confident after completing the first challenge, walks over to the lion. The lion is lounging lazily in a corner booth, and the man cautiously reaches out and plucks a whisker from its face. The lion doesn't react, just glances at the man with mild interest.

Finally, the bartender explains the third and final challenge: "You see that old lady over there? You have to go over there and give her the best night of her life."

The man hesitates for a moment, unsure of how to accomplish this task. But he gathers his courage and walks over to the old lady, who is sitting alone at a table. He strikes up a conversation, and before he knows it, they are laughing and swapping stories like old friends. The man buys her a drink, then another, then another. They dance, they sing, they have the time of their lives.

At the end of the night, the man returns to the bartender, feeling exhausted but exhilarated. "I did it! I completed all three challenges!"

The bartender smiles and says, "Congratulations! You have indeed earned free drinks for a year. But there's just one more thing you should know."

The man looks at him, eager to hear what the catch is.

The bartender leans in and whispers, "The old lady owns this bar. And she gives out free drinks for a year to anyone who can make her laugh."