The Talking Newt at the Bar

A man walks into a bar with a newt on his shoulder. The bartender looks at him and says, "Hey, what's with the newt?"

The man replies, "Oh, this is my talking newt. He's really smart and can hold a conversation better than most people."

Intrigued, the bartender says, "Really? Let's put him to the test. I'll ask him a question and if he can answer it, drinks are on the house."

The man agrees and the bartender turns to the newt and asks, "What's the capital of France?"

The newt sits there for a moment, scratching his head, before finally answering, "Ribbit."

The bartender bursts out laughing and says, "Nice try, but the answer is Paris."

The man shrugs and says, "Well, give him a break, he's still learning. Let's try again. Ask him another question."

The bartender nods and asks, "What's the tallest mammal in the world?"

Again, the newt sits there in deep thought before finally answering, "Giraffe."

The bartender is impressed and says, "Wow, he got it right. Okay, last question. What's the best bar in town?"

The newt thinks for a moment and then looks at the bartender before saying, "Ribbit."

The bartender can't contain his laughter and says, "Well played, newt. Well played. Looks like you've earned those free drinks after all."