The Talking Horse at the Bar

One day, a man decided to teach his horse how to talk. He spent hours and hours every day teaching the horse how to pronounce words correctly, enunciate clearly, and engage in conversation. Finally, after months of hard work, the horse was able to speak fluently.

Excited to show off his incredible feat, the man decided to take his talking horse to the local bar. As they walked in, all eyes turned towards them in amazement. The man proudly announced to the crowd, "Watch this, my horse can talk!"

The bartender, curious but skeptical, asked the horse, "Hey there, what's the square root of 64?"

The horse thought for a moment and replied, "8."

The crowd cheered and clapped, amazed at the horse's intelligence. The bartender, still not convinced, decided to test the horse further. He asked, "Okay, smarty pants, what's the capital of France?"

Without missing a beat, the horse confidently replied, "Paris."

The crowd erupted into cheers and applause, amazed at the horse's knowledge. But just then, a drunk man stumbled over to the horse and slurred, "Hey horse, gimme a kiss!"

The horse looked at him and deadpanned, "Sure, but let's keep it a little neigh'sy."