The Talented Parrot at the Bar: A Hilarious Dart-Throwing Duo

A man walked into a bar with a parrot on his shoulder. The bartender looked at him and said, "Hey, where'd you get that?"

The parrot replied, "At the pet store, they're having a sale."

The bartender chuckled and said, "Well, he better not cause any trouble."

The man assured him that the parrot was well-behaved and wouldn't cause any trouble. So, the man sat down at the bar and ordered a drink.

As the bartender was pouring the drink, the parrot squawked, "Hey bartender, I'll have a beer too!"

The bartender shook his head in disbelief and poured the parrot a beer. The man and the parrot sat at the bar sipping their drinks and chatting for a while.

Suddenly, the parrot turned to the man and said, "Hey, watch this!" The parrot flew over to the dartboard, picked up a dart in its beak, and flew back to the man's shoulder.

The man couldn't believe what he was seeing. The parrot took aim, pulled back its wing, and let the dart fly. Bullseye! The man was amazed at the parrot's dart-throwing skills.

The bartender was equally impressed and asked the man, "How did you train your parrot to do that?"

The man shrugged and said, "I didn't train him, he's just a natural-born dart player. He's been doing it since he was a chick."

The bartender laughed and said, "Well, in that case, drinks are on the house for you and your talented parrot."

They all toasted to the parrot's amazing dart-throwing skills, and the man couldn't help but think to himself, "I guess I'll never have to play darts alone again!"