The Tale of the Witty Tomato

Why did the tomato turn red?

Because it saw the salad dressing!

But wait, there's more to this tomato's story. After turning red, the tomato decided it wanted to become a comedian. So, it went to a local comedy club and signed up for an open mic night.

The tomato got on stage and started telling jokes about vegetables and fruits. The crowd went wild with laughter and the tomato was on a roll. But then, disaster struck.

Halfway through the set, the tomato slipped on a peel that someone had left on the stage. It went flying through the air and landed splat on the ground.

The crowd gasped in shock. But just when they thought the tomato's career was over, it pulled itself together and said, "Well, that was a real 'squash'!"

The audience erupted in laughter once again, and the tomato became a sensation overnight. It went on to headline at comedy clubs all across the country, always ending its set with the same cheesy joke.

And so, the tomato lived happily ever after, making people laugh and spreading joy wherever it went. The end.