The Tale of John Travolta's Unique Dining Experience

A man went to a fancy restaurant for a special occasion and ordered the most expensive dish on the menu. As he waited for his food to arrive, he struck up a conversation with the waiter.

The man asked the waiter, "Do you ever get any celebrities dining here?"

The waiter replied, "Oh, yes! Just last week, John Travolta came in and had dinner here."

The man was excited and asked, "Really? What did he order?"

The waiter smirked and said, "Well, Mr. Travolta ordered the spaghetti carbonara, but he asked us to hold the spaghetti and just bring him the bacon, cheese, and eggs. He said he was on a low-carb diet."

The man chuckled at the thought of John Travolta eating just bacon, cheese, and eggs. Just then, his meal arrived and he dug into his expensive dish with great enthusiasm.

As he finished his meal, the man flagged down the waiter and said, "That was delicious! But I have to ask, do you think John Travolta will ever come back here again?"

The waiter shrugged and said, "Well, I'm not too sure. He did leave a note with his meal saying that the bacon, cheese, and eggs were 'out of this world,' but he also added that the service was 'quite plane.'"

The man burst out laughing at the clever pun and thanked the waiter for the entertaining story. He knew he would definitely be coming back to the restaurant for both the food and the humor.