The Quest for the Talking Horse's Laughter: A Punny Tale

A man walks into a bar and sees a sign that says, "Free drinks for the person who can make our resident talking horse laugh." The man thinks it's worth a shot and approaches the horse, whispering a joke in its ear.

To his surprise, the horse bursts out laughing and the bartender hands him a free drink. Feeling confident, the man decides to try another joke. This time, the horse doesn't laugh.

Undeterred, the man tries a third joke. Still, no reaction from the horse. The man starts to get frustrated and tries joke after joke, but none of them make the horse laugh.

Finally, the bartender pulls him aside and says, "Look, I think you're trying too hard. The horse is very particular about its sense of humor. You just have to know the right kind of joke to tell."

Feeling defeated, the man asks the bartender, "Well, what kind of joke does the horse find funny?"

The bartender leans in and whispers, "Well, for some reason, the horse really loves puns. He's a real neigh-sayer."