The Parrot's Wingman Antics

A man walks into a bar with a parrot on his shoulder. The bartender looks at him and says, "Hey, where did you get that?" The parrot replies, "I won him in a bet. He's a great wingman."

The man and the parrot sit down at the bar and order a round of drinks. As they're sipping their drinks, the man notices a beautiful woman sitting across the bar. He turns to the parrot and says, "Hey, watch this. I'm going to use my parrot to pick up that girl."

The man walks over to the woman and strikes up a conversation, all the while making sure the parrot is listening in. He talks about how smart and charming his parrot is, and how it can even do tricks.

The woman is intrigued and asks to see the parrot in action. The man nods at the parrot, who suddenly starts doing backflips, singing songs, and even reciting Shakespearean sonnets. The woman is impressed and starts laughing.

The man turns to the woman and says, "See, I told you my parrot was amazing. How about we go back to my place and you can meet him up close?" The woman agrees, and they leave the bar together.

As they're walking out, the bartender looks at the parrot and says, "You know, that was pretty impressive. But can your parrot actually talk?"

The parrot looks back at the bartender and says, "Talk? Of course I can talk! Can your bartender fly?"