The Parrot Comedian: A Joke Gone Awry

A man walks into a pet store and sees a sign that says "Talking Parrot for Sale – $100." Intrigued, he asks the store owner about the parrot.

The store owner explains that the parrot used to belong to a stand-up comedian and has been trained to tell jokes. The man is sold and decides to buy the parrot.

He takes the parrot home and sets it up in the living room. Excitedly, he asks the parrot to tell him a joke.

The parrot responds, "Why did the chicken cross the road?"

The man eagerly waits for the punchline, but the parrot just stares at him blankly.

Frustrated, he tries again. "Come on, tell me the joke!"

The parrot replies, "Knock, knock."

The man plays along and says, "Who's there?"

The parrot hesitates for a moment before saying, "Um, banana."

Confused, the man asks, "Banana who?"

The parrot shrugs and says, "I don't know. I'm a parrot, not a comedian!"

The man realizes he's been duped and starts laughing at the absurdity of it all. He now has a talking parrot that can't tell jokes to save its life. But hey, at least it keeps him entertained with its unintentional comedy.