The Monkey Business Deal

A man walks into a bar with a monkey on his shoulder. The bartender says, "Hey, you can't bring that monkey in here!"

The man replies, "Oh, don't worry, he's well trained. Watch this." He then proceeds to pull out a tiny piano from his pocket and the monkey starts playing beautifully.

Amazed, the bartender says, "That's incredible! What else can he do?"

The man responds, "Well, he can do impressions too. Watch this." He then whispers something in the monkey's ear and the monkey starts doing a spot-on impression of Elvis Presley.

The bartender is now thoroughly impressed and says, "Wow, that's amazing. You and your monkey are welcome here anytime."

As the man and his monkey are enjoying their drinks, a patron at the bar leans over and whispers to the man, "I'll give you $500 for that monkey."

The man considers the offer but ultimately declines, saying, "Sorry, he's not for sale. But I'll tell you what, for $1000, I'll show you how he can tie his own shoes."

The patron, intrigued, agrees to the deal. The man then whispers something in the monkey's ear and the monkey starts tying his own shoes with incredible speed and finesse.

The patron is in awe and hands over the $1000. As he's leaving the bar, he turns back to the man and says, "That was worth every penny. But just one question, why did you need $1000 to show me that? You could have just told me."

The man smirks and replies, "Because I wanted to prove a point. Everyone has their price, and apparently my monkey's price is $1000 for tying his shoes. Now if you'll excuse me, I need to go buy him some more shoes."