The Monkey Bartender

A man walks into a bar with a monkey on his shoulder. The bartender looks at him and says, "Hey, you can't bring that monkey in here!"

The man replies, "Oh, don't worry, he's trained. Watch this." He sets the monkey down on the bar and it immediately starts doing flips and dancing around.

The bartender is impressed and decides to let it slide. The man orders a drink and starts chatting with the bartender. Suddenly, the monkey jumps behind the bar and starts making drinks. It's mixing cocktails, shaking martinis, and even pouring shots like a pro.

The bartender is in awe and asks the man how he trained the monkey to do all of that. The man replies, "Well, it all started when I found a lamp on the beach and rubbed it. A genie popped out and granted me three wishes."

The bartender is intrigued and asks what the man wished for. The man says, "For my first wish, I asked for a never-ending supply of money. For my second wish, I asked for a beautiful mansion with a hot tub and a pool. And for my third wish, I asked for a really cool bartender with a sense of humor."

The bartender laughs and says, "So you got stuck with me, huh?"

The man looks at him and says, "No, I got stuck with the monkey."