The Mischievous Monkey at the Bar

A man walks into a bar and orders a drink. As he's sitting there, a monkey swings in from out of nowhere, lands on the bar, and takes a big bite out of the man's sandwich. The man is shocked and asks the bartender, "What's with the monkey?"

The bartender explains, "Oh, that's just our resident troublemaker, he's always causing chaos around here."

The man shakes his head and goes back to his drink, trying to ignore the monkey. But just then, the monkey jumps up onto the bar and starts playing with the salt and pepper shakers. The man can't help but laugh at the monkey's antics.

The bartender leans in and whispers to the man, "Watch this." He then reaches under the counter and pulls out a small harmonica. He hands it to the monkey who starts playing a tune on it, much to the amazement of the man.

The man turns to the bartender and says, "That's incredible! I've never seen a monkey play the harmonica before."

The bartender nods and replies, "Yeah, that's nothing. He also knows how to juggle and ride a unicycle."

The man is amazed and asks, "Why does he do all these tricks?"

The bartender grins and says, "Well, you see, the monkey used to be a part of a traveling circus, but he got tired of all the traveling and decided to settle down here. Now he just entertains the customers for tips."

The man can't believe it and watches in awe as the monkey continues to perform tricks for the patrons. As he finishes his drink and heads for the door, he turns to the bartender and says, "That monkey is truly amazing. I wish I had his talent."

The bartender chuckles and replies, "Well, you're in luck. We're actually hiring right now. How do you feel about wearing a monkey costume?"