The Magic Frog Kiss

Two friends, Bill and Bob, were out for a hike in the woods when they stumbled upon a talking frog. The frog said to them, "If you kiss me, I'll turn into a beautiful princess."

Bill immediately picked up the frog and kissed it, and sure enough, the frog turned into a beautiful princess. Bob was amazed and asked Bill how he was able to do that.

Bill replied, "Well, I do have a magic touch when it comes to frogs. In fact, there's a legend in my family that says if you kiss a frog, it will turn into a beautiful princess."

Bob was skeptical but decided to give it a try. He picked up another frog nearby and kissed it, but nothing happened. He tried again with another frog, and still, nothing happened.

Frustrated, Bob turned to Bill and said, "I don't understand, why didn't the frogs turn into princesses for me?"

Bill chuckled and replied, "Oh, I forgot to mention, it helps if the frog already has a prince charming."