The Magic Frog at the Bar: A Hilarious Bet

One day, a man walked into a bar and saw a sign that read, "Free drinks for the person who can make our bartender laugh."

So the man confidently walked up to the bartender and said, "I bet you $100 that I can make you laugh."

The bartender, feeling up for a challenge, agreed. The man then pulled out a tiny piano and a frog, placing them on the bar. The frog began to play the piano beautifully, much to the surprise and amusement of the bartender.

In disbelief, the bartender paid the man $100 and asked, "How did you come up with that trick?"

The man replied, "Oh, it's nothing special. I just found this magic frog that can play the piano and make people laugh."

Curious, the bartender asked, "Can I try?"

The man handed the frog over to the bartender, who placed it on the bar and asked, "Can you play the piano?"

To which the frog replied, "Ribbit."