The Legendary Talking Duck Joke: A Quack-tastic Tale

One day, a man walked into a bar and ordered a beer. As he sat down, he noticed a jar filled with money on the counter, and a sign that read, "Have you heard the legendary talking duck joke? $5 to hear it."

Intrigued, the man asked the bartender about the joke. The bartender explained that it was a famous joke only locals knew, and it was so hilarious that people were willing to pay to hear it.

The man, feeling curious and excited, decided to pay $5 to hear the joke. The bartender handed him a piece of paper and said, "The duck is in the bathroom, you can ask him there."

Intrigued, the man went to the bathroom and saw a small, old duck sitting on the toilet. He asked the duck, "Excuse me, are you the legendary talking duck?"

The duck replied, "Yes, I am. But before I tell you the joke, you must pay me $5."

The man, shocked, paid the duck $5 and eagerly waited to hear the joke. The duck cleared his throat and started, "So, there was once this man who walked into a bar and saw a jar filled with money and a sign that read, 'Have you heard the legendary talking duck joke? $5 to hear it.'"

As the man listened in confusion, the duck continued, "The man paid $5 to hear the joke and went to the bathroom where he saw a small, old duck sitting on the toilet. He asked the duck, 'Excuse me, are you the legendary talking duck?'"

The man's eyes widened in realization as he heard the exact same joke being told to him. The duck winked and said, "I guess you've heard it now. That'll be $5, please."

The man left the bar, laughing and shaking his head at the clever duck. And to this day, he tells the legendary talking duck joke to everyone he meets, always ending with, "That'll be $5, please."