The Laughing Horse Joke

A man walks into a bar and sees a sign that says, "Free drinks for the person who can make our horse laugh."

So the man goes up to the bartender and asks him what he has to do to make the horse laugh. The bartender tells him that he has to make the horse laugh by telling it a joke.

The man thinks for a moment and then decides to give it a try. He walks over to the horse and whispers something in its ear. The horse starts laughing hysterically, rolling on the ground and snorting with laughter.

The bartender is amazed and asks the man what he said to the horse. The man replies, "I told him that my ex-girlfriend was coming to visit me tomorrow."

The bartender is impressed and gives the man his free drinks. The man decides to leave but before he does, he leans in to the horse and whispers, "Just kidding, she's not really coming."

The horse starts laughing again, even harder than before. The bartender watches in disbelief as the man walks out of the bar, leaving the horse still laughing uncontrollably.

As he walks away, the man turns back and says, "Well, at least someone finds my love life funny."