The Great Coffee-Making Battle: A Tale of Embarrassing Moments

A husband and wife were arguing over who should make the coffee in the morning. The husband insisted that it was the wife's job because she does it better, but the wife argued that she was tired of always having to do it.

Finally, the husband came up with a solution. He said, "How about we play a game to determine who makes the coffee? We'll take turns telling each other the most embarrassing moment we've ever had, and whoever's story is the funniest doesn't have to make the coffee."

The wife agreed, and they began sharing their embarrassing moments. The husband went first and told a story about accidentally walking into the women's bathroom at work and getting caught by his boss. The wife laughed so hard she cried.

Then it was the wife's turn. She took a deep breath and said, "Well, one time I was really drunk at a party and accidentally peed in the closet instead of the bathroom."

The husband burst out laughing and said, "Okay, okay, you win! I'll make the coffee from now on."

And that's how the wife won the coffee-making battle by peeing in a closet.