The Gorilla Pickpocket: A Tale of Mischievous Monkey Business

One day, a man went to a zoo and noticed a sign that said "Beware of the gorilla – He's a pickpocket!" Intrigued, the man decided to check it out.

As he was watching the gorilla in its enclosure, he felt a hand slip into his pocket. He turned around to see the gorilla grinning mischievously, holding a handful of his cash.

The man was impressed by the gorilla's skills and decided to test his luck. He took out his wallet and placed it in his back pocket, making sure to keep an eye on the gorilla.

Sure enough, a few minutes later, he felt a hand slip into his back pocket. He turned around to see the gorilla holding his wallet, looking very pleased with himself.

The man couldn't help but laugh at the gorilla's antics. He decided to try one more time, this time placing his watch in his front pocket.

As he watched the gorilla closely, he saw the gorilla eyeing his pocket. But instead of reaching for it, the gorilla suddenly jumped up and down, clapping his hands and laughing hysterically.

Confused, the man asked the zookeeper what was going on. The zookeeper replied, "Oh, don't worry, he's just excited because he finally found someone with a pocket watch!"