The Genie's Island Dilemma: A Lawyer, a Doctor, and a Mathematician

Three friends – a lawyer, a doctor, and a mathematician – are stranded on a desert island with nothing to eat. Suddenly, a genie appears and offers them each one wish.

The lawyer wishes to be transported back to the city where he can enjoy his luxurious lifestyle. POOF! He disappears in a flash of light.

The doctor wishes to be transported back to the hospital where he can help save lives. POOF! He vanishes just like the lawyer.

The mathematician looks around nervously, realizing he's the last one left. He thinks for a moment and then excitedly exclaims, "I wish my friends were back here so we can figure out how to get off this island together!"

POOF! The lawyer and doctor reappear. But before they can even say a word, the mathematician says, "Okay guys, let's start by assuming we have a boat…"