The Genie, the Hamster, and the Bartender: A Hilarious Bet

A man walks into a bar and sees a sign that says "Free drinks for anyone who can make the bartender laugh."

So the man goes up to the bartender and says, "I bet you $100 that I can make you laugh."

The bartender looks at him skeptically but agrees to the bet.

The man then pulls out a tiny piano and a hamster, and the hamster starts playing the piano beautifully. The bartender can't help but burst out laughing.

The man collects his $100 and orders a round of drinks for everyone in the bar. The bartender asks him, "How did you come up with that? That was hilarious!"

The man replies, "Well, I saw a genie lamp at a garage sale and the genie granted me three wishes. My first wish was for a million dollars, my second wish was for a beautiful wife, and my third wish was for a miniature piano-playing hamster."

The bartender is amazed and asks, "What about the free drinks sign? Did the genie grant you that wish too?"

The man chuckles and says, "Oh no, I made that sign myself before I found the lamp. But hey, at least it got me a free drink!"