The Genie and the Ex-Wife's Double Wish

A man was sitting at a bar one evening, nursing a drink and feeling a bit down on his luck. As he sat there, a genie suddenly appeared before him.

"I am the genie of the bar," the genie said. "I am here to grant you three wishes, but with one small catch – whatever you wish for, your ex-wife will receive double."

The man thought about this for a moment before finally coming up with his first wish. "I wish for a million dollars," he said.

The genie nodded and snapped his fingers, and suddenly, a million dollars appeared in the man's lap. At the same time, two million dollars appeared in his ex-wife's lap.

The man was a bit annoyed, but he decided to make his second wish. "I wish for a mansion," he said.

Once again, the genie nodded and snapped his fingers, and the man found himself standing in front of a massive, luxurious mansion. And, just as before, his ex-wife found herself standing in front of two mansions.

Now the man was starting to get a bit frustrated, but he knew he had one more wish left. After thinking for a moment, he finally said, "I wish to be scared half to death."

The genie looked puzzled for a moment before finally understanding the man's wish. With a nod and a snap of his fingers, the man suddenly found himself scared half to death. And sure enough, his ex-wife was scared so badly that she dropped dead on the spot.

The man chuckled to himself and thought, "Well, at least now I can enjoy my mansion and my million dollars in peace!" And with that, he finished his drink and walked out of the bar, feeling like a truly lucky man.