The Eyeball Popping Comedian: A Sticky Situation

One day, a man went to a talent agency looking to break into the entertainment industry. He told the talent agent that he had a really unique talent that no one had ever seen before. The talent agent, intrigued, asked the man to show him what he could do.

The man stood up and proudly announced, "I can make my eyeballs pop out of their sockets!" The talent agent, a bit skeptical, told the man to go ahead and show him.

The man squinted his eyes, furrowed his brow, and concentrated with all his might. Suddenly, his eyeballs popped out of their sockets and dangled by their optic nerves. The talent agent was amazed and immediately signed the man on the spot.

For his first performance, the man was booked to appear on a popular TV show. As he started his act, he repeated his trick of popping his eyeballs out. But this time, as he tried to put them back in, he realized they were stuck. Panicking, he tried everything he could think of to get them back in, but nothing worked.

Finally, in a moment of desperation, he asked the host of the show for help. The host took one look at the man's protruding eyeballs and said, "Don't worry, I know exactly what to do."

The host then proceeded to pop the man's eyeballs back into their sockets with a pair of chopsticks he happened to have on hand. The man was relieved and grateful, but the audience was in hysterics. From that day on, the man was known as "The Chopstick Eyeball Guy" and became a viral sensation, all thanks to a pair of chopsticks and a talent agent who believed in his unique talent.