The Comedy Challenge at the Bar

A man walks into a bar and sees a sign that reads, "Free drinks for anyone who can make the donkey laugh." The man thinks to himself, "I've got nothing to lose," and decides to give it a shot.

He walks up to the donkey and whispers something in its ear. The donkey bursts out laughing uncontrollably, snorting and braying with amusement. The bartender, amazed, says, "Wow, I've never seen that before! You definitely earned yourself a free drink."

The man sits down at the bar and orders a beer, feeling pretty pleased with himself. But then the bartender looks at him and says, "You know, we've got another challenge going on. If you can make my wife laugh, you'll get free drinks for the rest of the night."

The man reluctantly agrees and is led to a table where the bartender's wife is sitting, looking unimpressed. He tries everything he can think of to make her laugh – jokes, funny faces, even dancing – but nothing seems to work. The bartender's wife just sits there, stone-faced and unamused.

Finally, in a last desperate attempt, the man leans in and whispers something in her ear. Suddenly, she bursts out laughing, tears streaming down her face. The bartender can't believe it and says, "I have to know, what did you say to her?"

The man grins and says, "I told her that I could make the donkey laugh."