The Chatty Parrot's Freezer Fiasco

A man goes to a pet store looking for a companion, so the salesman shows him a talking parrot. The parrot is incredible, telling jokes, singing songs, and even dancing. The man is amazed and decides to buy the parrot.

When he gets home, he sets up the parrot's cage in the living room. The parrot immediately starts talking up a storm, entertaining the man for hours on end. But after a few days, the man starts to realize that the parrot is a bit too chatty.

One day, the man's friend comes over for a visit, and the parrot starts squawking loudly, "Hey, you! Yeah, you, with the ugly face!" The man is mortified and tries to quiet the parrot down, but it only gets worse.

The parrot continues to insult the man's friend, calling him names and making rude comments. The man is furious and decides to teach the parrot a lesson.

He takes the parrot and puts it in the freezer, thinking that the cold will silence the bird. After a few minutes, he takes the parrot out, but it's still squawking away.

Frustrated, the man puts the parrot in the oven, thinking the heat will do the trick. But when he opens the oven door, the parrot jumps out, unscathed, and says, "Wow, it's hot in there! By the way, do you have any more insults for me?"

The man is at his wit's end, but before he can do anything else, the parrot suddenly stops talking and starts shivering. The man asks, "What's wrong? Are you cold?" And the parrot replies, "No, I'm just realizing what a dumb idea it was to insult someone who can control the temperature around here!"