The Case of the Sneezegasms

A man goes to the doctor complaining of a strange problem. "Doctor, every time I sneeze, I have an orgasm!" The doctor looks puzzled and says, "That's certainly a unique issue. How often does this happen?" The man replies, "Well, it happens every time I sneeze, without fail." The doctor thinks for a moment and then says, "I think I know what's causing this. It sounds like you have a rare condition called 'sneezegasms.' It's very unusual, but luckily there is a cure."

The man is relieved to hear this and asks what the cure is. The doctor smiles and tells him, "Well, it's quite simple actually. All you need to do is take this bottle of pepper and inhale it whenever you feel a sneeze coming on. It should help stop the sneezegasms from happening." The man thanks the doctor and heads home to try out the cure.

The next day, the man returns to the doctor looking very disappointed. The doctor asks how the cure went, and the man shakes his head and says, "It didn't work at all! In fact, it made things even worse. Now every time I sneeze, my wife has an orgasm!"