The Case of the Mislheard Dinner Plans

A man goes to the doctor and says, "Doc, I think I have a problem with my hearing. I can't seem to hear anything my wife says anymore."

The doctor nods and says, "Okay, let's do a little test. Stand about 20 feet away from her and ask her a question. If you can't hear her response, keep moving closer until you can hear her clearly."

So the man goes home and stands 20 feet away from his wife in the kitchen. He calls out, "Honey, what's for dinner tonight?"

No response.

He takes a few steps closer and tries again. "Honey, what's for dinner tonight?"

Still no response.

He inches even closer and asks, "Honey, what's for dinner tonight?"

Finally, his wife turns to him and says, "For the third time, it's lasagna!"

The man exclaims, "Oh, thank goodness! I thought you said 'banana'!"