The Case of the Chasing Numbers: A Therapist's Prescription for Counting Sheep Syndrome

A man walks into a therapist's office and says, "Doc, you gotta help me. I keep having these weird dreams where I'm surrounded by numbers."

The therapist looks at him and says, "That doesn't sound too bad. What's the problem?"

The man replies, "Well, in my dream, I see a giant number 7 chasing after me, and no matter how fast I run, it always catches up to me. Then, when I finally think I've escaped, I look down and realize I'm wearing number 7 pajamas!"

The therapist starts laughing and says, "I think I know what's going on here. You're experiencing a classic case of Counting Sheep Syndrome! It's a common condition where your brain gets stuck on a loop of numbers while you're trying to fall asleep. But don't worry, I have a solution for you."

The man looks relieved and asks, "What's the solution?"

The therapist smiles and says, "Simple. Just wear number 8 pajamas instead!"

The man looks puzzled and asks, "How will that help?"

The therapist chuckles and replies, "Well, you see, 7 8 9!"