The Bear Necessities: A Hilarious Tale of Survival

Two men are hiking through the forest when they suddenly come across a bear.

One of the men bends down to tie his shoelaces and says to the other, "I don't think I can outrun a bear."

The other man looks at him and replies, "I don't have to outrun the bear, I just have to outrun you!"

The first man quickly finishes tying his shoelaces and they both start running away from the bear.

After a few minutes of running, the second man stops and bends down to catch his breath. The first man looks back and sees the bear gaining on them.

He shouts to the second man, "What are you doing? We need to keep running!"

The second man replies, "I told you I didn't have to outrun the bear, I just had to outrun you. And now that I've stopped, the bear will catch up to you first!"

The first man starts running again, but it's too late. The bear catches up to him and promptly devours him.

As the bear finishes its meal, the second man walks up to it and pats it on the head, saying, "Well done, buddy. You really showed him who's boss. Now, do you want to go grab a drink or something?"

The bear looks at him in confusion and then shrugs before following the man into the forest, leaving behind a hilarious scene of a man outrunning his friend to be eaten by a bear.