The Amazing Monkey and his Mind-Blowing Tricks

A man walks into a bar with his pet monkey. He orders a drink for himself and one for the monkey as well. The bartender looks at the man and the monkey, and says, "Sorry, we don't allow pets in here."

The man thinks for a moment and then says, "No, you don't understand. This isn't just any pet, this monkey is special. He can do amazing tricks."

The bartender raises an eyebrow and says, "Really? Show me."

The man nods and sets the monkey down on the bar. He whispers something in the monkey's ear, and suddenly the monkey jumps up, grabs a handful of peanuts, stuffs them in his mouth, and then starts juggling them with his feet. The bartender is amazed and asks for another trick.

The man smiles and says, "Watch this." He takes a slice of lemon and puts it on the bar. He tells the monkey to make a face and eat the lemon. The monkey grabs the lemon, makes a sour face, and then swallows it whole. The bartender can't believe his eyes.

As the night goes on, the man and the monkey continue to perform incredible tricks, including the monkey doing a handstand on top of a glass of water and the man balancing a spoon on his nose. The other patrons in the bar are captivated by the duo's antics.

Finally, the man finishes his drink and decides it's time to leave. He picks up the monkey and walks towards the door. The bartender stops him and says, "Wait! Before you go, I have to ask. How did you train your monkey to do all those amazing tricks?"

The man smiles and replies, "Oh, it's easy. I just tell him to watch me, and then I do the trick first."